PE and Sport Premium
At Otley All Saints CE Primary School, we appreciate the contribution of Physical Education to the health and well-being of our children. We also acknowledge that a broad, balanced, high quality curriculum and extra-curricular activities have a positive impact on concentration, attitude, achievement and most importantly, enjoyment.
We are committed to ensuring that our children receive a minimum of two hours per week of high quality PE delivered by confident, enthusiastic teachers.
In addition to the quality PE provided by the teaching staff, the sports provision is enhanced by our engagement and participation in a wide range of sporting activities run by our Family of Schools, the Local Authority and local clubs e.g. swimming tournaments, cross country events, athletics events, basketball tournaments, cricket festivals, 5 a side football competitions and bench ball tournaments to name but a few!
At All Saints, sports coaches and teachers provide a range of sports and activity clubs. These clubs (netball, soccer, table tennis, cheerleading, parkour, hockey etc.) take place both at lunchtimes and after school. Our popular breakfast club also provides opportunities for children to be active. We encourage physical activity and games during our lunchtimes and offer a variety of sports coach and pupil led sessions for all ages.

What is PE and Sports Premium?
Since 2013 the government has provided additional funding to improve the provision of physical education and sport in primary schools in England. The funding has been jointly provided by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport and its purpose is to allow primary schools to improve the quality of sport and PE for all their children.
You can have a look below at a detailed breakdown of how we have used this funding over the last two financial years. If you have any questions or additional ideas of what physical activity you’d like to see happening at All Saints, then please do get in touch – we’d love to hear about it!