School Governance
Otley All Saints is a voluntary controlled Church of England school, which means that it is founded on Christian principles, but admissions and funding are controlled by the local authority. The governing body includes members who represent the church (Foundation governors), as well as those elected by parents and staff, or co-opted by the governing body to ensure a range of skills and experience among its membership.
Governors are individuals who work together to form the strategic leadership of the school. This means they are involved in high level decisions, but are not involved in the day to day running of the school.
They may be involved in staff appointments, (including the head teacher), major financial decisions.
Governors should aim to be a 'critical friend' of the school. That is, they hold the school and its leadership to account, but as a supportive part of the school, not as a hostile watchdog.
Being a governor is a very rewarding role - a way to influence the culture and direction of the school and contribute to the community.
Almost anyone over 18 years of age can become a governor. There are no particular qualifications or requirements, other than a willingness to give time to the role and a capacity for working with other people.
If you are interested in becoming a Governor at Otley All Saints C of E Primary School, please contact us.
Thank you for all of your responses to the Governors' annual parents' questionnaire 2023-24.
Meet our Governors

Allan Boddy
Category of Governor: Foundation Governor
Appointing Body: PCC Otley Parish Church/ Diocese of Leeds
Term of Office: 02/09/2022 - 01/09/2026
Committee: Member of all committees, Appraisal/performance management
Responsibility/Interest: Chair of governors, English, Year 6
Nature of Interest: Representative for Otley Parish

Adele Maher
Category of Governor: Parent Governor
Appointing Body: Elected by parents
Term of Office: 22/11/2022 - 21/11/2026
Committee: Teaching and Learning
Responsibility/Interest: Chair of Teaching and Learning Committee, Child Protection,
Safeguarding & Looked After Children, Year 4
Nature of Interest: Parent of child in school

James Yates
Category of Governor:
Parent Governor
Appointing Body: Elected by parents
Term of Office: 20/09/2021 - 19/09/2025
Committee: Finance and Property Resources
Modern Languages, PE, Year 4
Nature of Interest: Parent of child in school

Laura Fortune
Category of Governor: Staff Governor
Appointing Body: Staff of All Saints Primary School
Term of Office: 01/12/2020 - 30/11/2024
Committee: Pupil, Parents and Personnel
Nature of Interest: Member of teaching staff

Katja Kaine
Category of Governor: Parent Governor
Appointing Body: Elected by parents
Term of Office: 01/12/2020 - 30/11/2024
Committee: Pupil, Parents and Personnel
School website, Year 6
Nature of Interest: Parent of children in school

Pam Beck
Category of Governor:
Foundation Governor
Appointing Body: PCC Otley Parish Church/ Diocese of Leeds
Term of Office: 27/01/24 – 26/01/28
Committee: Teaching and Learning
Vice Chair of Governors, SEN, Music, Appraisal/ Performance Management, Year 5
Nature of Interest: Former staff member

Margaret Shippey
Category of Governor:
PCC Otley Parish Church
Appointing Body: PCC Otley Parish Church/ Diocese of Leeds
Term of Office: 27/01/2024 - 26/01/2028
Committee: Finance and Property Resources
Responsibility/Interest: Office, Central Record check, Site Manager, Reception
Nature of Interest: Former school administrator

Stefanie Stead
Category of Governor: Parent Governor
Appointing Body: Elected by parents
Term of Office: 11/02/2025 - 10/02/2029
Committee: Teaching and Learning, Pupil, Parents and Personnel
PSHE, Global Learning, Reception
Nature of Interest: Parent of child in school

Ani Earney
Category of Governor: Co-opted Governor
Appointing Body: Governing Body of Otley All Saints Primary School
Term of Office:
22/11/2022 - 21/11/2026
Committee: Finance and Property Resources, Appraisal/Performance Management
Art and Design, Design Technology, Year 1
Nature of Interest: Parent of children in school

Ian Shutt
Category of Governor:
LEA Governor
Appointing Body:
Leeds City Council and Governing Body of Otley All Saints Primary School
Term of Office:
07/02/2024 – 06/02/28
Committee: Finance and Property Resources
Responsibility/Interest: Chair of Finance and Property Resources Committee, Geography,
Mathematics, Nursery
Nature of Interest: Parent of children in school

Aaron Kennedy
Category of Governor:
Foundation Governor
Appointing Body:
Ex Officio
Term of Office:
Responsibilty/Interest: RE
Nature of Interest:
Vicar of Otley
Luisa Di Palma-Heath
Category of Governor:
Appointing Body:
Ex Officio
Term of Office:
Committee: Member of all committees
Responsibility/Interest: N/A
Nature of Interest:

Gemma Burke
Category of Governor:
Co-opted Governor
Appointing Body: Governing Body of Otley All Saints Primary School
Term of Office:
22/11/2022 - 21/11/2026
Committee: Teaching and Learning
Science, Year 3
Nature of Interest: Parent of child in school

Claire Donkin
Category of Governor:
Parent Governor
Appointing Body:
Governing Body of Otley All Saints Primary School
Term of Office:
22/11/2022 – 21/11/2026
Committee: Pupil, Parents and Personnel
Computing and Online Safety, Nursery
Nature of Interest: Parent of children in school

Joelle Monkman
Category of Governor:
Co-opted Governor
Appointing Body:
Governing Body of Otley All Saints Primary School
Term of Office:
21/11/2023 – 20/11/2027
Committee: Teaching and Learning
History, Year 2
Nature of Interest: Parent of child in school