At Otley All Saints CE Primary School we acknowledge the vital role that parents/carers play in the education of our children. We believe there is a place for regular, manageable homework tasks for children to complete and we feel it important that some homework is provided for children at school. We know that, outside of school time, children participate in a wide range of activities and we value the importance of play and social activities with family and friends. As a school we would not want homework to prevent children participating in these activities.

The Purpose of Homework
In giving homework to our children we acknowledge the following benefits:
Homework gives children tasks to complete in their own time, promoting responsibilities of remembering, managing time and working independently.
Homework makes use of the potential to support learning that home can offer:
- the knowledge of family and friends
- research through library visits and ICT
- visits to place of interest.
Homework should consolidate the skills and understanding taught at school.
Homework should raise standards of achievement.
Homework allows children and parents the opportunity to plan and discuss together when work will be completed so that it is handed in on time.
Homework shows children they can learn at home as well as at school.
Homework should develop organisational skills and independence ready for transfer to Secondary School.
Activities we will include as homework
Tasks will be purposeful, varied and enjoyable and the quality of the learning is more important than sheer quantity.
Homework linked to Numeracy and Literacy will be the cornerstone of all we do, therefore our focus will be:
The learning of spellings;
The learning of Tables/Number Facts.
In addition as the children progress through school the range of homework given will widen to include:
Numeracy and Literacy activities;
Finding out Information/Research in Topic or Science.
We do not include the finishing of tasks done in school lessons as homework.

Homework Progression
It is clear from our assessment of pupils that children who read regularly make greater progress than those who do not. From Reception through to Year 6 there will be an increase in the amount and range of homework; the staff have agreed the following guidelines.
Pre-reading activities, developing phonics, and early writing activities
Shared reading with parents as often as possible, preferably daily, but a minimum of three times a week
Year 1 & 2
Shared reading with parents as often as possible, preferably daily, but a minimum of three times a week, for between 10 and 15 minutes
Weekly spellings
Numbots at least three times a week
Occasional number work eg counting patterns, number facts, tables
Children in Reception, Y1 and Y2 are encouraged to find out more about topics they are studying.
Homework Progession continued...
Year 3 & 4
Regular reading, recorded in reading log and/or shared reading with parents, at least three times a week and preferably daily, for between 15 and 20 minutes
Weekly spellings
Times Tables Rock Stars, daily if possible
Termly learning logs
Year 5 & 6
Regular reading, recorded in reading log and/or shared reading with parents, at least three times a week for 20 minutes
Weekly spellings
Times tables at least three times a week
Weekly maths activity
English or grammar tasks
Half termly learning log or project related to topic
All children may be asked to research topics they are studying, producing learning logs or contributing to a learning wall or ‘show and tell’ with relevant items of interest.
All children need to participate fully in homework and be given homework that:
is appropriate and manageable;
allows them the opportunity to succeed.
We appreciate there are sometimes family circumstances that can create difficulties for the children to complete homework. We would ask parents to inform us of any situations which might impact, so that we can be supportive.

Role of Staff & Parents
Teachers at school will:
set work that is manageable and achievable within the time frame;
ensure that tasks are purposeful, varied and enjoyable;
specify the hand-in date;
monitor the work.
Parents/carers will be made aware that support of our homework policy is vital if the children are to gain maximum benefit from completing these additional tasks and realise that their role will change over time.
School will ask parents to:
make it clear that they value homework and support the school;
encourage, praise and be positive when children are doing their homework;
check what homework has been set and make sure it is completed appropriately and on time;
provide a quiet place where children can work to their best ability;
check homework and sign homework book/planner to show the child has completed the work satisfactorily.