Global Champions
Our Global Champions are elected members from each class who remind us of our responsibilities towards the planet, including caring for the environment and being a good neighbour to those in need, wherever they may live.
Our Global Champions are working to promote the Global Goals for Sustainable Development as identified by the United Nations. Visit for more information.
Our Global Champions have thought carefully about which goals we can have a real impact on. We have made some real changes in relation to Global Goal 13: Climate Action. We now have paper/plastic/card bins in each classroom along with designated wet paper towel bins. Plus, each class has a chance to be part of the Compost Crew, where we work to ensure all our fruit and veg waste from breaktimes goes into producing our own compost.

Our Pupils in Action
We are very proud of how proactive our students are, and we are committed to offering democratic opportunities for them to contribute further to the school, the local community and the wider world.
Three of these initiatives are the School Council, Global Champions and the Library Council.
Scroll down to learn more about these student led organisations.

School Council
Two members of each class from Year 1 to Year 6 are elected and 'hold office' for one year. The Council meets once every second Friday to discuss class suggestions, ideas for fundraising, ideas to improve the school and respond to concerns from classes.
The School Council have also been charged with making important decisions on behalf of their classmates such as the style and position of our outdoor classroom, the purchasing of sports equipment for playtimes and the duration and style of certain assemblies.
Lots of great ideas have come from School Council meetings, such as our 'Backwards Day' to raise money for DEC Earthquake Appeal, our planning for Red Nose Day, and our 'Lend With Care' loans to emerging businesses in developing countries.
Library Council
Two children from each class are elected at the start of the year to represent their class as part of the library council team. Meetings are held once a half term, usually during collective worship.
We have a fully stocked library, accessible by all classes, which the team help to maintain the care of.
The aim of the library council team is to foster a love of books across the school. Suggestions for new authors, themes, topics books and activities are collected at meetings and when money is available, will be used to help buy new stock.
The team have also organised book swaps and world book day celebrations.