We are hugely proud of our school and all of our pupils, and we know that our uniform really promotes a sense of belonging, school unity and pride in All Saints.
Perhaps more importantly though, it ensures equality, reduces peer pressure and creates a level playing field in which all children are alike, thus raising the self-esteem of our pupils.
With this in mind the school uniform policy for Otley All Saints C of E Primary School is set out below.
Pupils should attend school wearing P.E. kit on the days on which they have P.E.
All items with the school logo on them can be purchased at JR Sports, 2 Orchard Gate, Otley. If you would like to purchase plain clothing (without the school logo), it can be purchased at most supermarkets and online.
Our PTA members organise a wonderful uniform recycling scheme for a very low cost to families. If you feel you could benefit from their help, please email PTApreloveduniform@otleyallsaints.co.uk

School Uniform
Grey school pinafore, skirt, smart trousers or shorts.
Royal blue gingham dress/shorts suit for summertime.
White plain polo shirt or school logo polo shirt.
Royal blue crew neck sweatshirt or royal blue school cardigan (plain or school logo).
Grey tights.
Plain grey or white socks.
Sensible all black shoes or trainers.
Smart grey trousers or shorts.
White plain polo shirt or school logo polo shirt.
Royal blue crew neck sweatshirt or royal blue cardigan (plain or school logo).
Plain grey or white socks.
Sensible all black shoes or trainers.
(Trainers worn as school shoes as part of the uniform should be entirely black.)
PE Kit
**PE Kit changes apply from September 2024**​
Navy blue, non-branded plain loose-fitting sports shorts (not cycling shorts or skorts).
Plain navy blue, non-branded jogging bottoms (not leggings, sports tights or shell trousers).
Royal blue non branded t-shirt (either plain or school logo).
Royal blue non-branded hoodie**, cardigan or jumper (either plain or school logo).
Sports trainers can be worn on P.E. days.
** Hoodies are only to be worn on P.E. days.
These items are available at JR Sports, most supermarkets and online.
Please ensure that all items of school uniform are clearly named so that they can be easily returned.

Children with hair longer than shoulder length should have their hair fully tied back for hygiene reasons and to prevent hair falling forwards as they are working. Only simple, plain-coloured hair bobbles and hair bands should be worn.
Nail varnish should not be worn.
Jewellery or wristbands should not be worn with the exception of plain silver or gold studs. These should be removed (or in exceptional circumstances covered) on P.E. days. We kindly ask that any future piercings take place at the start of the summer holidays to allow sufficient time for them to be removed.
Watches may be worn, but should be removed for P.E. *Smart watches are not allowed in school.
Birthday Treat
On your child’s birthday, they can come to school in non-uniform of their choice should they wish. If your child has an August birthday, they can select a day in July. If your child’s birthday falls during a school holiday or on a weekend, they can select a day on their return to school. In line with our healthy schools policy and again to avoid peer pressure this will be instead of your child handing out sweets or treats.
A group of parent volunteers also organise a 'pre-loved uniform' collection, which provides a bank of good quality second hand items at low cost. Please email preloveduniform@otleyallsaints.co.uk to request items, using the form above.