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Year 4 Class Page

Fiona Lewis.jpg

Mrs Lewis

Class Teacher

Eleanor Bowman.jpg

Mrs Bowman

Class Teacher

Suzanne Rose.jpeg

Mrs Rose

Teaching Assistant

Helen Cooper.jpg

Mrs Cooper

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Lewis and Mrs Bowman share the teaching in Year 4 with the support of Mrs Rose and Mrs Cooper.


Mrs Lewis teaches Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and is also one of our English subject leaders.  Mrs Bowman teaches every Thursday and Friday, and is also our history leader.


Year 4 is an exciting place to be, with a range of intriguing topics and opportunities to learn.

PE days

PE takes place on the following days:


  • Monday

  • Wednesday

  • Autumn 1 (Sept-Oct) extra PE session on Thurs

Children need to come into school in their PE uniform on their PE days


In Year 4, children complete the following homework on a weekly basis:


  • Spelling shed games x 4

  • Reading x 3

  • Times tables (TT Rockstars)  practise x 3

  • A project once a term relating to an area of the curriculum

Year 4 curriculum map edit Sept 2024.png

Year 4 Teaching Team

©2023 Otley All Saints.

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